Von propositio bis consensus. Die Päpste, die ungarischen Könige und die kanonischen Wahlen in der ungarischen Kirche im 13. Jahrhundert





This paper discusses a special aspect of the Papal-Hungarian relations, the emergence of the canonical regulations in the archbishop and bishop elections in the Hungarian church from the late twelfth century. The study focuses on the actions of the popes regarding those elections. Furthermore, it examines how the regulations of the canon law influenced the situation in Hungary, and in which cases and under what circumstances the members of the cathedral-chapters, or the suffragan-bishops turned to the Apostolic See in cases of disputed elections. The paper also inquires into the role the Hungarian rulers played in the elections of the thirteenth century and looks at how they managed to help their candidates to receive the offices they sought. A further focus is on the question of whether there were significant clashes between ecclesiastical and lay power, sacerdotium and regnum in thir¬teenth century-Hungary and whether the elections really were a source of conflict between the popes and the Hungarian kings. Lastly, the paper identifies and analyzes which tenden¬cies existed until the outset of the fourteenth century regarding the above-mentioned ques¬tions, and, because a comparative approach is also necessary, evaluates these tendencies in light of the situation in other regions of Western Christendom.

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