Landverteilung und lokale Volksherrschaft als Staatsräson. Die Republika Tarnobrzeska 1918–1919




When the Habsburg monarchy lost its grip over the former Crownland of Galicia, sponta-
neously organised committees moderated the shift of power from Austria-Hungary to the
future Polish state. In four districts in central Galicia however, Polish peasants sought to
establish a new order that would primarily serve their economic and political interests. For
a couple of months, the idea of a peasant republic challenged the central state. This republic
was named after the town Tarnobrzeg, where every Wednesday thousands of peasants as-
sembled to articulate their vision of a post-war order. This article explains the context of
violence and social unrest in which the Republika Tarnobrzeska emerged, analysises how a
priest and a former Habsburg officer became leaders of this peasant vision of democracy
and self-determination. It also sheds light on the economic conflicts, societal ruptures and
cultural clashes that the revolution of 1918 brought to the fore.

Author Biography

Tim Buchen, Taube Department of Jewish Studies, University of Wroclaw


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